We’re here to assist you on your journey towards academic success. Our dedicated team of G.U.I.D.E.S. (Gifted University Intake Development Experts) is eager to answer your questions, provide insights about our unique approach, and help you take the first step towards realizing your educational aspirations. Whether you’re a student in need of guidance, a parent seeking the best for your child, or an educator interested in our methods, we’re ready to connect with you. Don’t hesitate to reach out. Your future is brimming with potential, and we’re thrilled to help you shape it.

business hours

Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm EST

We’re here to guide you on your path to academic success. Our team of G.U.I.D.E.S. (Gifted University Intake Development Experts) is ready to answer your questions, provide more information about our services, and help you take the first step towards achieving your educational goals. Whether you’re a student seeking guidance, a parent looking for support for your child, or an educator interested in our approach, we’re eager to connect with you. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your future is waiting, and we’re excited to be a part of your journey.

Committed Spirit Consulting LLC

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